Let’s start with some basics:
1. Unless you own a mobile clinic, you will need an office space to see patients
2. A practice’s office lease or mortgage is typically it's second-highest expense
3. In today’s economy, maximizing profitability is not only a desire, but it's also essential for most practices to stay in business
Now let’s dig in further. If you own a practice, you most likely have an office. That office carries with it many expenses: the most obvious is the monthly rent or mortgage. With an office space also comes staff and payroll as well. These two items are not only needed to have a practice, but are also the two highest expenses for most practices. That being the case, only one of them is really negotiable. You may decide to cut staff, but when it comes to payroll, you either pay people what they are valued at, or they go somewhere that will pay them.
Real estate however, is 100% negotiable. You can decide if you want to be in an office building, retail center or medical office building. You can decide if you lease or own. You can determine the size, location, and amenities your space will offer. You can choose to be in a stand-alone or multi-tenant building. You can determine the length of lease, concessions you ask for, economic terms, business terms, etc.
So if real estate is your second highest expense behind payroll, and if there are so many options and choices to make when it comes to your office space, how can you maximize the opportunity? Join us June 16 to find out!
Speaker Heidi Jackson, CARR Realty