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  • Webinar: Navigating Information Blocking—The Paradigm Shift

Webinar: Navigating Information Blocking—The Paradigm Shift

  • 01/12/2021
  • 12:00 PM



The overarching objective is to have participants understand the paradigm shift that is occurring through the implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act’s Information Blocking Regulations, effective April of 2021. In order to understand this paradigm shift, the presentation will begin by defining “Information Blocking” and review the implementing statute, the Cures Act and related regulations. Key provisions of the Cures Act will be compared to key provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Next, the presenters will discuss what this change means for operations, information technology, physicians and clinical staff, patients and compliance. The Information Blocking penalties will be discussed. Lastly, the exceptions to the new Information Blocking laws will be presented.

Michael T. Batt, Shareholder - Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman
Stephen D. Rose, Shareholder - Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman

OKMGMA webinars are approved for 1.0 CE credit hour of LIVE learning from MGMA state for those attending the live session.

OKMGMA Webinars are approved for 1.0 CE credit hour from MGMA state for on-demand listening.

OKMGMA  webinars are FREE for members!  You must be logged in to register.($75 non members) 

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